One of the greatest consequences of sin's terrible effect on the soul of a man is its perversion of his spiritual nature. The effects of sin are staggering, for it distorts and shades a man's mind to the extent that even his mental concept of right and wrong becomes reversed. To see the scope of sin in our society, it would be relatively simple to examine political corruption, sexual immorality, or the disobedience of God's laws in general; but I am persuaded that one has only to look at the complete reversal of the laws regarding the sanctity of human life, to see the terrible degradation that society has come to.

In the state of Arizona, if a man is convicted of taking the life of a GILA MONSTER, which is an extremely poisonous lizard, he can be fined up to $300 and sentenced to six months in jail. In another state, if a man is caught stealing an EAGLE'S EGG, he can be fined up to $5,000 and/or sentenced to one year in prison, - because, you see, eagles are protected by Federal law. But, HUMAN BABIES, now that is a different matter all together! Human babies, you can KILL, after all, they're only made in the IMAGE OF GOD - WHO CARES ANYWAY?

Yes, sin has had it's perverting effect upon our society, for we now have laws which protect birds, lizards, fish, and even our forests and lakes. But all the laws which protect the most innocent and defenseless members of our human family have been declared unconstitutional. It would seem that open season has been declared on all unborn children, who happen to be so unfortunate as to be conceived by parents who call "evil good, and good evil" (Isa. 5:20). How tragic this is for a society which is supposed to be a leader in the area of HUMAN RIGHTS! What happened to a child's right to live?

In the wars that have been fought over the years, the medical corps has endeavored to SAVE lives; yet, in ABORTION, the medical profession is put in a position of TAKING LIVES. The unborn receive NO PURPLE HEARTS, no one plays TAPS for them and there is NO MEMORIAL DAY set aside for them. It would seem that those precious babies were unimportant, with no need for remembrance. How NAUSEATING, how REPULSIVE it is to view the degradation of humanity!

The KILLING of an unborn baby is a terrible SIN, and our government needs to be made aware that this issue is a moral question and not a political one. This atrocious CRIME is on the same level as the murdering of the incompetent, the retarded, the handicapped, and the elderly. How long will it be before some minority group will seek the passage of a law which would take the lives of those mentioned? ABSURD?? Not at all, my friend, it CAN and WILL happen, unless the line is drawn. And the TIME to draw it is RIGHT NOW!! Far too many people today are saying, "Oh well, it's the law and we've got to live with it." Laws can be changed. That is, if concerned citizens would stand for that which is morally right, and make this nation hear not only the voice of the people, but most importantly, the VOICE OF GOD!!

I wanted to share this with the world, to let others know what I believe and also what my husband wrote, himself, and published in a pamphlet almost 20 years ago. He may not still be preaching, but he still has his strong beliefs and values.

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